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step gay dad series - the witness - sinful seduction

Manlyfoot Studios presents The Witness, the latest steamy installment in the Step Gay Dad series, designed for fans of foot fetish and hairy ass worship content. ** Please note:** This episode contains themes that may be sensitive to viewers who are sensitive to blasphemy or religious topics.

In this episode, the step dad is enjoying a rare day off, savouring some much-needed relaxation. His peace is abruptly shattered by an unexpected knock at the door. Annoyed by the intrusion, he marches to the door, ready to give the uninvited guest a piece of his mind. But when he swings the door open, he’s met with a surprise—a handsome, well-dressed stranger who’s there to preach to him.

Intrigued, but not by the stranger’s message, the step dad invites him inside with a hidden agenda. His interest lies not in what the stranger is peddling but in exploring what’s under that sharp suit. As the tension builds, the episode unfolds into a goldmine of explicit foot fetish content, inc

  • 00:49:20
  • Aug 26, 2024
  • 108


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