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spew swallowing for anal whore georgia koneva - she rims him for extra nourishment

Georgia might look cute and innocent, but she s a dirty submissive whore who delights in being wrecked and degraded!

She starts so pretty, but the throat fucking immediately blows out her eyeballs and leaves her bloodshot and ruined. She is pushed deep onto the cock which strains her slut throat. She ate a big breakfast and we get to see it.

The content of her guts are fucked back out into a giant glass. She drinks the sloppy mess completely for more degrading throatfucking as she kneels in her own spew mess. When she brings that back she is ordered to drink it all down again and she complies like a well trained cunt.

She eats the old man s dirty asshole, exploring it with her eager tongue. Of course, it s covered in her mess so that makes it extra tasty for her. Spew and man-ass. Tasty!

Her asshole is ripe for fucking - a tight little hole, the bullseye of her round ass-cheeks. She is fucked hard and deep, making her scream as her ruined makeup slips down h

  • 00:44:12
  • Aug 23, 2024
  • 802


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