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billy gets diaper sex, prostate massage & straitjacket by 3 nurses

Hey hey! it s your hottest medical diapered dream fantasy where Billys already diapered & 3 nurses come in (Constance, Allisson & Diaperperv but I m holding the camera for the first 2/3rd of the video). THey needd to put him in a Posey straitjacket and then take him into the nursery room. They strap down his legs first and then check his diaper... he s pretty wet. They take off the straitjacket and then fully restrain him in the large crib; there s no way he can escape or do anything & the nurses are in total charge now! Allisson is the head nurse & instructing Constance. Lots of hands on diapers shots. They determine his diaper is pretty wet and he needs a diaper change. Allisson opens his diaper & wipes him but sees he s rock hard. She decides it s a good time to use him while he s restrained and helpless so she takes off her scrubs and gets on top of him, riding him as he s restrained, in two different positions. She s finished so she gets off him & stroke

  • 00:24:46
  • Sep 05, 2024
  • 233


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