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stroke session for an ass man (josi valentine) - jerk off instructions

Is it true that you are an ass man? That is what Josi heard. She has been told that she has a nice ass and she wants you to work your dick as she lets you gaze upon her ass. She begins by flexing each butt cheek one at a time. Think about putting your hard dick between those juicy ass cheeks. Do you want a closer look at that ass? Josi puts her heart-shaped booty up in the air for your review. Look at that tight asshole. As you stroke your dick, think about all the ways you could service her perfect ass. You now notice her socks and sneakers and that nearly puts you over the edge. Again, Josi puts her ass to work as she exhibits some special talents her butt muscles have. Keep stroking that dick nice and hard as Josi gyrates her hips. By the looks of things, you would have to push very hard to penetrate her asshole, but what a sweet reward it would be. You have never seen such a lovely asshole and you long to fill it with your sperm. Josi encourages you to put the tip of your dick righ

  • 00:07:23
  • Jun 20, 2024
  • 26


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