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my friend s boyfriend jacks off for me (with emma heart) - jerk off instructions

Emma is curious about how you masturbate and she wants to watch you. She is your girlfriend s friend, but if you are only jerking off, that should be okay. You take your dick out and Emma is happy with what you present to her. How do you jerk off, though? Emma really wants to know your method. Can you show her? She takes off her shirt and her titties are bigger than you realized. Would you like to titty fuck her or would you prefer her hand on your dick instead? You cannot take your eyes off of her fat boobs as your hand works your cock. She slides off her shorts and she points out to you that it is not considered cheating if you do not touch her. You are not sure that you necessarily agree with that, but there is no stopping you now. Her round ass is now your focus. You love big tits and ass and Emma has what you need. She now plays with her pussy as she instructs you to keep jacking your dick. Imagine that your dick is plunging into her wet hole. Do you know where you want to cum tod

  • 00:07:50
  • Jun 03, 2024
  • 43


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