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caramella del x earns extra credit with her holes

Caramella has been in Mr. Knight s class for a while, but Caramella seems to lose focus easily and often misses class. Mr. Knight decides that enough is enough. He brings Caramella into his office and sits her down and says that unless Caramella changes her behavior, she will fail the class. Caramella can t believe it and will do anything to stay in the class. ANYTHING. Caramella has an idea and knows exactly how to stay in the class. Caramella is a pro at using her slutty mouth and pussy to get what she wants. Caramella pulls down Mr. Knight s pants and before he knows it, he is completely at her disposal. Caramella sucks that cock so good that Mr. Knight can t help but enjoy and get super hard inside her wet throat. Caramella gets that cock throbbing hard so that she can take it inside her drenched pussy. Caramella wants him to fuck her so hard that he forgets about failing her. Caramella wants him to bust his load in her mouth so she can swallow every drop. There s no way he is fail

  • 00:42:45
  • Nov 12, 2024
  • 90

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