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jacking it for my student hope howell - jerk off instructions

Your student Hope needs help with her art class and you are willing to help her. She says that she is distracted in class, but it seems that the distraction is YOU. She fantasizes about you during class. This is rather uncomfortable, but she offers a quid pro quo and you are unable to resist. She is 18 years old and she wants you, but she also wants an A in art class. She asks you to take out your dick and when you do, Hope is very happy with what you have to offer. I would put that dick in my mouth, she tells you. She demonstrates her lack of a gag reflex. That is all the motivation that you needed and you start jacking off. As she lifts up her camisole, she comments that she wore her special bra just for you. She happens to be wearing panties that match her bra. You do love a girl wearing pink. Hope urges you to continue jacking off. Will you promise to face-fuck her? That is really what she wants. She wants her saliva to drip down her face. You feel that you can make that happen f

  • 00:08:02
  • Jun 10, 2024
  • 21


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