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We met up with a buddy of mine named Jimmy at a local frat house, normally I dont hang out around the frat houses but this was an exception. We went to meet up with a group of guys who wanted to check out some raw bang bus movies. well, they all lost their shit and I made some new fans. Remember any guy can star in the bang bus so we took along Jimmy and luckily found a sexy mature chick at a nearby gas station. Her car had broken down and there wasn t a mechanic for a few miles. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Offering our services, we told her we would take her to the next shop about 5 miles down the road. Once we got her in the van we headed in the opposite direction, she didn t know shit, she was from France or something. She got kinda pissy because we were fucking around so much and not taking her directly to the mechanic. She started acting kinda weird like she knew that she was getting fucked one way or another. She prepared for a slamming b

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 23, 2001
  • 541


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