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well look what we found Ugly and I are some of the most addicted motherfuckers there are about trailor park bitches we eat drink and fuck trailor trash. theres nothing like it they talk kinda funny usually do to the fact that education is of a low quality and also do to them usually missing teeth but when we found Shannon she came with a full set. and a rack of tits to boot and I have to say she wasn t to smart but really what tralior park girl is.. anyway, Ugs and I had brought a dude I met at a party now this guy was so wierd that not taking him with us would have been a crime his name was Rashied a guy white as snow thinking he was black muslum because of the way he was raised by his stepdad. Anyway When we picked up Shannon It appeared that she had heard of us from her friend Sandra who if you guys remembered got slammed by Ramone a few weeks earlier but apparently Sandra didnt have a really bad time because Shannon seemed ok with getting into the van with us who knows chicks are

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 04, 2002
  • 229


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