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OH....MY......GOD! Look at we ve got in store for you guys this week... an 18 year old.. BARELY LEGAL... cuban-brazilian hybrid by the name of Dasani... IT DOESN T GET MUCH BETTER THAN THIS! Slim waist.. great perky natural tits.. and an ass that ll cause pileup accidents on any given street .. PERIOD! Dasani s sexy, juicy rump was awaiting on the beach... so after Alex and I picked her up and brought her back to the Dirty One s lair... it was on! I mean look at this chick.. not only is she young and horny as fuck.. but she LOVES it dirty!! I tell you.. it s shoots like these that make me want to shut the cameras off and jump on in myself.. but being the generous human that I am... I ve decided to share it with all of you! THE FANS! That.. and I need the bucks to keep rolling in.. THANK YOU! NOW HURRY THE FUCK UP AND COME ON IN TO THE MEMBERS AREA... Dasani is waiting!

  • 00:38:33
  • Feb 21, 2005
  • 181


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