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Preston and I hit the beach in search of Latina tail again, and this time we found Luccia. Since she was lying out topless, I figured she would have no problem showing her big tits, and maybe more, to our camera. She told us she was vacationing from Brazil. So I guess she left the beaches of Brazil to see the beaches of Miami..... whatever, this chick was nuts anyways. Wait till you here all the crazy shit she had to say. When we got her to the pad we told her that we had to check her for scars or tattoos. We checked everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. All that attention got her pretty worked up, or horn as she called it. Anyways, she was ready to fuck, and Preston always comes through. The blowjob was not only sexy, but entertaining with this girl s ramblings. Once the sex started, we both got a lesson in Spanish, Portuguese, and I think even some Italian. What a movie! I loved this girls tits!! They flopped around during the whole adventure. Gotta love that shit! Check it out....

  • 00:32:15
  • Mar 31, 2005
  • 211


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