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Have any of you guys ever heard of Sara Jay??? well my dear friends.. if you haven t... I m about to put you on to one of the juiciest pieces of ass that I ve ever seen.. did I mention that she s a white girl? Sheesh... what the hell are these broads eating? I was on a photo shoot with the already infamous French Connection.. Sonia.. somewhere on South Beach when JT noticed good ol Sara layed out with her ass in the air in all it s ripe glory! Not to mention the huge set of tits that this chick has... coupled with Sonia s natural big breasts....well... it was insanity once Sara agreed to come back to my place and shoot a little film... what unraveled after this is pure gold! Titty fucking, ass worship, messy wet blowjobs, hardcore fuck scenes, tits, wet pussy.. and two of the pieces of ass that I wish I would ve fucked.... yep... all that and more..yes more.... is right here! I like to call this update... the TRUTH! Dirty Fuckin Sanchez...

  • 00:57:36
  • May 01, 2005
  • 970


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