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bunz of steel!

So check this one out... what better way to worship the plethora of juicy apple bottoms that come my way than being on the front lines and witnessing the rigid workouts the likes of Ice La Fox and Victoria Allure do to make sure their asses are up to the D. Sanchez standard.. and that s pretty fucking high!!! Nothing better than watching butt cheeks bounce on a treadmill!!! Then again.. there is the sloppy 69 action between JT and Victoria.. JT s face is buried underneath the round rump of a rear end that Victoria is towing behind her.. add that with Ice deep throating action and we were good to go... almost! The stack and crack was in full effect as some of the raunchiest ass worshipping sex scenes are captured here for your viewing pleasure! The fucking in this movie is out of hand!!! Enjoy! The Dirty One...

  • 00:44:24
  • Jun 12, 2005
  • 1055


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