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Check this one out fellas, and I do stress the check. When in all of our ass worshipping glory have you seen not one.... not two.. but three juicy bubble butts on display for your stroking pleasure?! I tell ya... D.Sanchez is for the minions.... so yeah.... I had the extreme pleasure of filiming Ivon, Sophia, and even my assistant Natalia all get it on as JT and I watched in one of South Beach s luxurious hotel rooms. WOW! 3 pairs of juicy ass cheeks jiggling and begging to be played with.. it was fuckin great! Nothing like watching one chick give the other head as the third is slobbing away on JT s cock with a hell of a blowjob.. I don t say names because they took turns!!! Now you know that the sex scenes were great! Pussy swallowing dick action is always great to capture.. especially when there s more than one snatch hole! I loved being there as much as you wish you were there.. trust me! Enjoy! The Dirty One...

  • 00:40:12
  • Jul 03, 2005
  • 272


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