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I KNOW! I KNOW! I shouldn t have left you without a good flick to jerk to.. but considering that I decided to crawl out of my death bed for all of you Bang Bros. out there ... QUIT YOUR BELLY ACHING ALREADY! So yeah.. Ugs brings along one of his skateboarding buddies from way back.. guess they did time together or some shit... Steven was his name... and in my iLL state we went on the never ending hunt for new pussy to claim! We went to the local community know.. 13th grade... because it s well known that all the guys that come out here aren t exactly living it up like Diddy... after scouring the campus we see Emily walking to her car... first thing that caught my attention were those huge natural tits of hers... not to mention that round ass poking out of her nice little sun dress... so we make our way towards her and commence the shit talking.... the whole film student spiel works everytime... and it doesn t hurt to flash some Ben Franklins in the chick s face either... you know the story! BANG! BANG! BANG! Now the entire time that this chick was riding along with us.. she was trying to portray the appauled bored mature role... little did she know who the fuck she was dealing with.. because after about 20 minutes.. she was trying to get a few extra c-notes to bare her big round boobs and everything else under the sun! Steven, along with his Prince Albert cock piercing.. were good to go as he baptized his dick down Emily s tonsils for some nice blowjob action... The sex the followed was up to par with the rest.... I tell ya...My life s the shit! The Dirty One.....

  • 00:43:21
  • Aug 25, 2005
  • 199


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