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dongzilla returns!!

So while Ugs is mending his broken limbs due to outstanding debts.... Marko came on thru for his trium... yeah right.. it s fucking yeah.. I had a bigger surprise for my loyal minions... Ramon s Return!!!! That s right boys and girls (?), our favorite Marielito is back to cold cock any pussy in our path! Sorry... I got a tad excited... Who can blame me? It s not everyday that the original spider monkey master returns... Marko s gay ass was all tired and shit.. so we stopped by one of the million corner coffee spots in Miami to get some good ol cuban coffee... Well if you wouldn t believe it.. there was Veiga getting her own fix.... I tell ya.. if it wasn t for me.. this shit would have never gone down. I mean if you really thought that I was gonna leave it to Marko and Ramon to snag this young latina piece of ass. then you have got to be sucking on the glass dick... After promising a hefty fee for her time and our scientific studies.. we were off.... Let me tell you... nothing better than a young hot spanish chick with natural breasts and a clean shaven pussy to get things going... after a brief upskirt incident... we knew that the panty-less wonder was game! After taking a looooooooong look at Ramon s cock... and her wiping away the saliva.... the messy wet blowjob that ensued was classic! Hot sex on film was what took place next for your viewing the end.... things are as they have always been... good shit here suckas.... I guarantee it!

  • 00:48:36
  • Sep 20, 2005
  • 239


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