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Sanchez Log : While exploring the surface of this strange realm known as South Beach.. I have encountered many creatures that dwell in the this vast land of ass and tits... and to date I have yet to encounter any signs of intelligent life... My co-pilot Marko and Ensign Ramon were with me during this recon mission... ready to take any and all data back to the mothership for further analysis... A blip on the radar pointed us into Sonya s direction... and thus the story unfurled... ok.. enough sci-fi talk.. let s get down to business.. This stacked little blonde with natural c breasts was just up my alley... the tattoos and piercings were enough to tell me how she gets down.. HO-ISM AT IT S FINEST! After the negotiations was concluded.. we were off to the end of the rainbow! I know that I have to play a certain role to get into these broad s minds... but damnit man.. this chick was like a broken levee! She wouldn t shut up about her past boyfriends and the such.... but it had to be done! Come to find out she used to strip upon arrival to South Beach.. but things got dry and she had to give it up.. that s right... we all know where this went... Ramon was even willing to go half on the expenses this time.... I don t think she exactly knew how to handle such a big dick in her mouth.. but the blowjob was up to par nonetheless... The fuck filmage was great.. did I mention that anal took place?! HA! I love this shit... nothing better than watching some barely legal blonde chick get rammed by Dongzilla.... Enjoy fuckers.. The Dirty One...

  • 00:52:21
  • Sep 27, 2005
  • 309


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