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JT and I were at the marina about to enjoy a day out on the boat. But alas, as JT says, pussy calls . Sophia was walking around the dock looking lost, so we called her over. What a huge ass on this mexican hottie! She was wearing some tight white pants that showed off her big round butt. She was tired of being on a boat with her friends, so we took her out for a full tour of the city. We headed back to the apartment for a swim. Sophia said she felt sticky from the hot weather and wanted to shower - how could I say no?Then, what neither of us expected -- we caught her rubbing her pussy in the bathroom! This little mami was horny as fuck!! She let JT finish what she d started, and then returned the favor with Mexico s best blowjob. Of course what came next was some seriously crazy fucking, with Sophia s big juicy ass bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean. This shit was wild! Enjoy!

  • 00:54:27
  • Nov 13, 2005
  • 119


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