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cameltoe rodeo

Here s an early holiday treat for you fellas, and a first for Mr. Cameltoe. Instead of one glorious cameltoe, we corralled TWO beautiful honeys with perfect pussies. Chase and Elexia are a dream come true. These cowgirls make the ultimate pairing of pussy perfection. They re best friends and love to share everything.. yes, everything! First, they tried on some really hot little panties that let you view the unprecedented double toe action in full glory. They got turned on and started making out with each other.. you know JT had to get in on it too! Sexy three way kissing was just the beginning as the girls showed their best manners and took turns sucking his cock. The sharing continued as JT alternately fucked each of them while the girls licked each other s cameltoes. It was unbelievably hot! Check it out!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 24, 2005
  • 178


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