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big tippers

Luckily for all of you guys... Olivia and Flower are back in town for another ASStounding episode of Ass Parade... The whole day in the life of these bubble butt beauties is something else! We start off at the hotel room.... they had gotten in the day before and were still laying around on the beds... naked of course! A pair of great asses my fine feathered friends... round ass cheeks and two pairs of round perky boobs is all I needed to start my day off well... The girls wanted some pool love... so off we went... man o man... sometimes it s good to take in these big asses in some skimpy bathing suits... the ass worshipping reached an all time high...Next we were just hanging out.. trying to get some food... when the girls eyeballed Nick.. our server for the evening.... they decided that the proper way to tip this gentleman was giving him full access to their hotel suite... AND HERE WE GO! The steamy blowjobs... tight pussy getting pounded by hard cock.... ass cheeks bouncing on dick... the anal! WHEW! This my what ass parade is all about! Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 04, 2005
  • 492


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