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not so ivy league

So I decided it s about that time we put an ad in the paper looking for a new set of guys to come on our infamous adventures...being that Ugs was in the mood for fresh meat and in comes this guy Jordan, a typical redneck who was more than willing to ride a long and give us the lowdown on how he pimps it out in the trailer park...sheesh... anyways...Ugs reminds we ain t hit a college campus in a while...and you know how i love to do a nuumber on those edumacated promptley head out to my favorite campus in Miami, S.M.A.C. (South Miami Art College) know I has to give Ugs a nice back handed smac ...bitch better recognize...After circling the campus for a minute I scope out this cutie little white girl sitting on a bench...I ask her to come over so I can spit out my Interview for cash proposition...she let s me know her name is Ivy and that she s in the need for a cash....just as I suspected....we were off!This thick cutie had a nice pair of sexy tits ...and I couldn t help but mention it to her,and see if she would be willing to show them off to me, for a few hundred Cash, definitely rules everything around its time to get down to the essence of scheme...lets see that ass and how many fingers can we fit in them...she was down for it and so was my boy Jordan. We was able to get a double-dutch inside her tight ass, without a problem. There aint nothing like a nice tender nineteen year old booty... watch the movie and get a full on view of the story unfold! ENJOY! The Dirty One...

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 07, 2006
  • 300


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