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fuckin in da hood

I was in the mood for an adventurous fuck so i went to visit a friend of mine who lives in a real bad neighborhood. SInce he lives in the ghetto and is poor he still lives with his family and shares a room with 3 of his brothers. I wasnt really in the mood for a gangbang so i took him alone to a nearby that place was scary. As soon as we got there we got hassled by some local thuggy guys my friend tried to act all tough saying how he knows like 11 different kinds of karate or something like that. he nearly got us killed. finally we made it up to the room. He asked me if it was allright if he could use some moves he was working on with me. which freaked me out cuz i didnt know what the hell he was talking about until he started fucking me up against a table and his moves came out. it was kinda weird but it was different which i guess was pretty cool. all in all it was a good fuck and excting too, the cops showed up while i was giving him a blowjob cuz i guess someone

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 16, 2006
  • 111


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