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Good ol Nick to the rescue! I almost had to fuck this MILF myself, which wouldn t have been bad but I prefer to watch when i can. So Nick meets me at a local sub shop and we wait for Phyllisha to show up. To our delight she turned the corner and BAM!!! she was fuckin hot. So we rushed her over to our place and commenced the MILF fucking. First she popped out her tits and shook em in the camera for me. Then she pulled down her pants and rubbed her ass. Then she went straight for the dick. She sucked Nick off like a champ! Then she climbed on top of him and started to ride away. all the fucking was hot and I got mixed up in the action. Phew! for a minute there I lost myself.ENJOY!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 22, 2006
  • 120


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