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booty hunt

I spent the whole day cruising the street of Miami looking for some asses to crack wide open, unfortunately I had no luck. So I decided to call up my lucky piece of ass, Sophia for some help on this Booty Hunt ...this girl is the fucking bomb, she comes over right away packed full of energy...before we go on our expedition I need to give her a good look over...what an ass!!Sophia has booty for days and not to mention a nice pair of bouncy natural tits to go with soon as we begin Sophia spots these two gorgeous beauties shoping at a store, the first thing I see on these the girls are there round apple bottoms, WOW!..After a short introduction, Sophia convinces Persuajon and Destiny to go back to my hotel room for some ass worshiping..I always love it when we get a multi-cultural mix of ethnic asses , this time we got a black beauty, a Mexican-American Puerto Rican, we on fire!..The ass worshiping was incredible, but what the girls really wanted was some girl-on-girl acion, the pussy eating was fucking amazing...Its time for the studs: PP and Jordan were hanging out in the bedroom opinion..and they decided to join hte fun. The blowjobs were out of hand and the sex orgy was extraordinary!! WHEW! This my what ass parade is all about! Enjoy, The Dirt One.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 09, 2006
  • 617


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