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baseball bootay

You ve all been requesting I m bringing her back, my sexy black beauty: Cherokee. For all of you that don t know about Cherokee, she has the biggest and and most voluptuos round ass I have ever you know the Dirty One has to give another ride around the assparade track...this time roound I hand Cherokee a pair of gloves, a baseball bat and some tight shorts: and we go to the diamond to throw some balls at her...oh yeah, its Baseball Season, and I m in the mood for some round ass....So, I call up JT and Jordan to play some ball with my sexy ass girl, once I said it was Cherokee they were more than down to come and play... Cherokee can fucking play, off the first pitch she hits a homer, and I follow her sex ass around the bases, man seeing than big juicy booty run made my fucking month...after that I decide to take her to the middle of the field for some srious ass worshiping...Nedless to say I loved seeing that nice round butt shake for me...I nedde to see that big ol butt get fucked one more time , so I took Cherokee back to my hotel room so that she get double dicked by JT and Jordan...this chick loves sucking cock...the sex was crazy...Another legendary shoot,Enjoy it fuckers... The Dirty One..

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 23, 2006
  • 1147


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