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car wash bottoms

What yup my apple-bottom lovin peeps...its your boy PP back at the helm of the beloved ASSparade, this week I m bringing you a fetish I ve been having for a while: follow me on this one, I get two gorgeous ladies with great asses to wash my car..a simple concept with bucket loads of potential: and that s what I got here for you today..Let s get it started: so I give a call these two babes I have been talking to for a while: Micah and Pinky, let me tell you fellas theses girls are a hell of a pair..the both got juicy plump asses and the love to work them. Micah is these gorgeous white girl with a phat ass and cute perky tits and Pinky is a gorgeous Latina with a great apple-bottom..I persuade the girls to slip into matching cutoff shorts and wash my new BMW M5, and let me tell you this was a great fucking idea, seeing those amazing wet asses, posing in front of my car, made all the sense in the world..the ass worship was amazing and getting to feel those amazing butt cheeks made my week..after washing the car the girls decided to play with each other and get into pussy eating and ass play..these girl are fucking great, so i called Jordan to get a piece..the blow job was out of hand and the sex was extraordinary..this was one impressive shoot and the asses where just right, do not miss this one, Enjoy, your brotha from anotha motha, PP.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 04, 2006
  • 264


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