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Jeremy and I met over by the beach to pick up the sexy latina we have instored for us. After making us wait, like any other woman, she finally arrived and looks as hot as we pictured her to be. Even though she is skinny, she has a nice round ass that can fill up her jeans and a waist that is to die for. This 21yr old latina is a shy one, but ya ll know what the say about shy girls... THEY RE FREAKS IN THE BED! And she was no exception. We got to the apartment and she started feeling on Jeremy s package, making it hard in a heart beat, she asked him to remove his pants and thats when the colombian freak came out.. she sucked his dick, deep and hard and when she was done with is, cordially asked to get fucked. This girl is fucking awesome! Check out this Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde episode!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 15, 2006
  • 261


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