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Here we have Persuajon. Persuajon was built for porn. She has big natural tits, a tight little body, a cute face, an ass like you wouldn t believe, and she likes to say her own name a lot. Speaking of her ass, she has one of those great black asses like the ones they grow in the south. I had her give me a show, and then I passed her to Jordan. This girl gave such a good blow job that Jordan had to take a break, and this guy s a pro. Then it was pussy time. Like I said, Persuajon was built for porn, so she wanted it deep and hard. I guess her pussy must have been amazing because Jordan needed two more breaks. Then he blew it early. Like I said, this boy s a pro, so he saddled back up and kept fucking her. The sex spiced right back up. They went back to the hard fucking and went through three new positions. Then he blew early again. Well I m not gonna let anyone fuck up one of my films, and I m a real pro, so I stepped in. Persuajon when straight to work. I can see why Jordan needed a break. She gave an amazing blow job. And in true OPP style, I gave her a huge facial. You should check out the movie. Not only do you get to see two great blow jobs, and plenty of hard fucking, but it s fun to watch Jordan squirm from embarrassment. You ll see... -OPP-

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 22, 2006
  • 189


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