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Check this out.. this Honey Deja came straight from L.A for a photo shoot, ohh yeah. this babe turn out to be one of the best fucks of all time. not only because this babe is a true Ballhoney but for the ass this beauty has. I have to tell you, this honey can suck a mean dick. We told her to do all, I mean it she sure did it all. jordan got a taste of that. On the top on the bottom, Doggystyle, you name it.. We told her to bounce that ass and you should see how her butt shaked. This hot mama has everything.. bouncy ass, big squeezable tits, tight, juicy pussy, and a perfect dark figure. I had a great time, and jordan did too... You all know we want to give you the best of that black, latin or asian pussy so Just play it and enjoy!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 17, 2006
  • 129


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