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isis love

I was waiting for my old friend Isis who called me before saying that she is in a mood for some huge cock. So I was like Alright, come over and after that realized that my boy Ramon is out of town and Maxxx was busy with pounding some pussies somewhere. I asked myself Who should I call, maybe Castro? . Damn it was good idea. Seemed like this guy was waiting for me to call him, so we went over to his place. Isis was shocked when Castro pulled out his missile. She couldn t find a word to describe that thing. It took her few tries to put his pennis head in her mouth. That how big it was. I m telling you this dude is a real monster. He cracked her open like a coconut. She was dripping all over his huge sausage. That shit was real. No doubt.

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 06, 2006
  • 202


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