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the big surprise!

I love when i get to share my dearest friends with you guys. Charity is one of my faves what a sweer outgoing girl willing to try anything and everything which is exactly what we did in this shoot. I was really excited when she called me to tell me she was in town i hadnt seen her in so long so i wanted her visit to be a very special occasion which is why i went out and bought all new toys for us to play with...and i very special surprise which was meant to be a bit of a scare as well i asked my friend if he could hide in the closet while we played with our new toys and come out and scare charity and then hed get to fuck both of us. Of course he had no problem with that seeing as while he was waiting in the closet he was watching two beautiful girls fuck each other...boy it was hot i got to use a double side dildo for the first time it was kinda weird at first but then we both got real into it...and i also got to do one of my favorite things which is fuck a girl with a strap on its fun

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 06, 2006
  • 221


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