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What s up peeps? Today we gonna test this hot chick from California who came across the country to see if she can handle our monster. Her name is Kaycee by the way. So she told me that she likes to feel huge cocks inside of her tiny pussy and she also likes to swallow jeez since it contains a lot of proteins. This information got me some weight in my brain. Anyway, I called Castro and tell him to come over. She was so happy to see him and especially his dick which got inside of the room before Castro. First she was playing with this cock checking him out from different angles. Than she opened few condoms to see which one will fit our monster. NONE of them. It took us for a while to stretch out the largest one. What can I say about sex? It was awesome as usually. He was banging this pussy so hard, so nice, so deep. Kaycee will go back home with a huge smile on her face and great memories about a time that she spent in Miami on top of the Monster s cock.

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 20, 2006
  • 147


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