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another one off the streets

Hey Im baaaack!!! Arent you all so excited to see me. I hope you missed me cuz i sure did miss you. you guys all remember that crazy soccer player dude my cameraman picked off the steet for me dasani the other time. It was actually quite a while ago i cant belieev how fast time flies when your suckin dick hehehe. Yeah so crazy dasani made the mistake of giving that ger her phone number and supposivly he wont leave her alone about giving his friend a handjob, So she calls me the other day to see if i would do the crazy guy the favor so he would stop harrassing dasani of course the good friend that i am i happily obliged. And of course just like the crazy soccer guy he hardly spoke a word of english so the whole thing was pretty awkward but also pretty funny now that i look back on it. He was real nervous i mean reeeeeeeeaaaaaly nervous i think you guys will get a kick outta this handjob shoot and like ive said beofre keep the emials comin cuz who knows you could be the

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 20, 2006
  • 95


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