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Michelle my bell. German girls are hot. This girls body was smoking. Her ass was sweet and her tits where luscious. From the moment I saw that girl I new she was the one. We picked her up in front of a art museum of all places. I love artsie girls. They give the best head. In my experience they re really wild in the sack too. All this shit was running through my mind as I tried to figure out what to say to this girl. Some girls are though to crack but this girl was easy. She was new to the city. Her friends had not shown her any inch of Miami. She seemed a little lonely too. Like if this was what she needed all along. I love it when the girls don t have to be pleaded with. When they just go with the flow and have a good time. That s how this girl was. She was all up on Blumkin five minutes into it. I started talking to Al-B and I turned around and the two of them were making out. Shout out to Blumkin, that nigga moves fast. Shout out to Hialeah. Shot out to my mom. O.K., enough shot outs. Anyway, Back to the hot German chick. So Blumkin and the girl start having sex with in a matter of minutes. It was hot! She didn t even care that I was filming the whole thing. This girl was a horny one fellas. I know I say this a lot. I really mean it this time. She was sucking and fucking like a pro. I fool you not. She took Blumkin s load in the face with no problem. Hot German girls are the SHIT!!!! I even felt a little bad ditching her on the side of the road. I got over it though cause it was a good one. A real peel out! No what I mean? Any who, Sanchez....OUT!

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 28, 2006
  • 149


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