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lesbo 101

Being a Milf is much more than just being a hot mother that everyone wants to fuck. As a Milf you need to be ready to corrupt young man and woman. And for today’s lesson we get to see two lovely Milfs (Jolie Sky and Katalina Samora) one a very experience lady and the other a young up an cummer Milf willing and ready to learn. But today’s lesson will not bring a young stud, instead she will learn how to enjoy the sexual pleasure from another woman. She will have her pussy licked, sucked and fucked by an experience Milf and in return she will repay her with the same attention. But don’t think that because they don’t have a guy in the room they are not going to get fucked hard. This is an advance lesson that will feature dildos and a strap on. So sit back and enjoy this sexual exploration that we like to call Milflessons: Lesbo 101

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 20, 2006
  • 167


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