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holiday cock

On today s episode of Monsters of Cock, we bring you the cheerful holiday story of Keeani Lei s first monster of cock encounter. She retells the story of how she met Castro Supreme while on vacation down in Miami. Like many girls with their gift yet to be unwrapped, she had no idea what she was going to find behind Castro s pants. But once she open up her gift she found more than she could ever had hope...a big humongous monster of Cock. She played with it, and stroked it and licked it...till she finally tried to put it in her mouth. It took some effort but finally was able to get her lips around that “can of soup” thick cock. She blew him the best she could...she was having suck a hard time cause her mouth was too small for that massive dick. Then it was time to get fucked....Castro fucked that tight pussy as hard as he could...till she told him that her ass was ready for some pounding.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 01, 2007
  • 291


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