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unemployed hottie rides the bus.

What s up guys!!!, it s me D. Sanchez back with another hilarious story for the bangbus. We hit the streets with my buddy Jarrod looking for some fresh meat when we came across Sindy, a hottie looking for a job, she was just smoking a cigarette in front of this building, so we stop to ask her a question. It happens to be that she was heading towards the Design District to look for work. I offer her a ride, and she quickly said yes. You know most people would say that they don t get down with nerdy girls. But this girl was really cool. I mean once she got on the bus, it was like we grew up together or something like that. She was jewish like me, she loved all the same video games I loved, and she liked art, and all that shit. Her and Blumpkin ended up hitting it off also. He was full of tattoos, she had some cute star tattos all over her body. So like this girl was really strapped for cash, so I just offered her some money to show us her tits, and when she took them out, I was like in love with this girl. Her tits were these huge big ass jugs, and all natural too. So I offered her like a thousand dollars to fuck Blumpkin, and she took the offer. Surprisingly this nerdy girl was really good at fucking, I mean she was practically jumping on this guys dick. It was fucking great. I wanted to fuck her myself. She made these fucking squeels every time she got pounded that it just got my dick real hard. You guys should really just check it out for yourselves.

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 06, 2007
  • 264


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