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squirting flower power

I know we ve been having a bunch of famous girls on the bus the last couple of months. That being said, Flower Tucci is my latest guest on the bus. I had to bring Flower. She s a personal friend and one of the hottest porn stars ever. Nick named ,the squirting flower, this girl has a hot moist pussy, a bodacious ass, and a sex hunger that doesn t quit. Have a mentioned the squirting thing. So we picked up some dumb ass tard at some shopping plaza. This guy was run of the mill if I ve ever seen it. I gave him the heads up and he hopped aboard. This episode is proof that even the mentally retarded love Flower s pussy. This guy hit that ass! I suspect he was a virgin. You should have seen this guy s face when Flower squirted all over his cock and stomach. He looked like a dear in head lights. In the end, he busted a nut on Flowers face, then when he went to piss we left his stupid ass on the side of the road. Signora sucker! -D. Sanchez

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 13, 2007
  • 211


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