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anal, the way to a guy s heart

Hey guys, do I have a video for you all today. I was walking down the park when I came across a restricted area. Which that usually means to me that I could enter anyway. So I see this fine ass girl just sitting on a bench reading a book. I question her as to why shes in a restricted area and she tells me she just wanted a private place to read her book. This girl Aline is fine. I asked her what the book is about, and she tells me it s on how to win a guy s heart . I ll tell you with a body like that she could win many hearts. I ask her how she usually wins a guy s heart, by playing their games , she tells me.
So I say I wanna play a game of striptease, and right there she starts to dance for me bending over and showing me her amazing ass and legs. Right then and there my cock got real hard, so she pulls my pants off and starts sucking on my cock right there out in the open. It was great but I decided to move it under some trees where there was a park bench, that way we d be more

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 15, 2007
  • 343


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