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el sabor de miami (the flavor of miami)

I love Miami. Theres a lot of beautiful places and a lot of culture in the world, but Miami has it all in one spot. There is no night like a Miami night, where anything can happen and every night is banging even on a Tuesday. Another thing that makes Miami such a great city is the women. The Beautiful multi-cultural woman, White, Black, Asian and Hispanic i love them all! So today I invited my friend Carly over to show her my big dick. Shes been anxious to fuck me since she first set eyes on me and I too. She stroked my cock at first gently, then she began stroking it hard and fast until I almost came. She then put my cock between those love twins of hers. We fucked on the this couch that just wouldn t stay still because I was pounding her so good. She loved putting those lovely titties in my face. I couldn t wait to cum in her mouth.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 08, 2007
  • 219


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