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revenge of the foot....job

While I know some of you are going to like this more than others cause hey, not everybodies got a foot fetish but i like to think when im doin it it should be enjoyable for everyone just cause of how darn cute i am and good i am at doing them. I thought you guys might find this arti=cle i found on foot fetishes interesting. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction include the shape and size of the foot and toes,(how can you get any cuter than mine) the texture of the skin, cleanliness, state of dress (no one takes better care of there feet then i do) and odor (fyi my feet smell like a meadow of roses on qa cool spring afternoon). Foot lovers may enjoy sniffing, touching, tickling, kissing, licking, sucking, and/or lovemaking with the objects of their affections.(all that sounds like fun to me!) Like other paraphilias, foot fetishism encompasses a wide range of predilections;( whatever that means) one foot fetishist may be aroused by scenarios that another fetishist finds u

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 09, 2007
  • 101


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