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the strip adventure

What s up dogs, This week I have a great adventure in the strip club, I found my girl Jada Fire in the street where she showed me her juicy tits, and her sexy ass. We went to this underground strip club where Veronica Rayne was dancing, she moved her body as a princess, with her huge breast and her round ass, she gave us a great show until she decide to go to the VIP and assist my man Jack Vegas who was washing her show. There were no more girls around so Jada decide to get up in the stage and strip for me. It was a great dance and after the dance, she went to play with Veronica Rayne and Jack Vegas. They made an awesome threesome where Jack fucked them hard in the pussy and in the ass. It was my greatest strip adventure, come and check it out.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 02, 2007
  • 163


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