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take a peek at the monster!

Tristan is a cleaning woman who was cleaning the warehouse. She was doing her daily routine, mopping the floor and throwing out the trash when she stumbled upon the men s bathroom. She didn t know that the warehouse was being occupied today, so to her surprise, she opened the door to Castro s MONSTER COCK! At first she was shocked and closed the door quickly, but then she got horny as hell and couldn t resist to take another peek. Tristan got wet instantly, she couldn t stop starring at his big cock. She waited until he got into the shower to get another peek. Watching him in the shower, made her even more horny so she began to rub her pussy. She was so wet, that she took all of her clothes off and jump in the shower with him. The rest you just have to see it for yourself. So jump in and enjoy another episode of monster cock!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 07, 2007
  • 271


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