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a surprise to justin from his wife

Hey wasup fellas! I got a new update for you. My wife surprised me this week with a pre-wedding gift. I didn t know what to expect when she gave me a room number and a key card for a hotel in Miami beach. When i opened the door I saw the sexiest girl I ve ever seen. She sat me down and gave me a striptease, rubbing her tits on my face, dancing sexy, pressing her ass in my face and then giving me an amazing blowjob. When I was about to cum, she stooped and said “ times up! Your wife only paid for an hour.” I freaked out, so I begged her and told her that I d giver her whatever she wants, but with one condition, this time she goes all the way!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 10, 2007
  • 165


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