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oceanic love

In this new touching installment i proffess my undying love for mother natures beautiful ocean..i express my love in many ways for insance what i do with my buddy cubo.after i pick him up while he aimlessy staring out into the water i take him abck to my place...i asked him what he was doing out there he said something about mourning the loss of his cat or something like guys can be so sensitive...which is one of the many reasons i love you guys so much...anyhoo after i took him back to my apy i realized i had some cheering up to do on his behalf so of course i got him naked and sucked on his dick for a while...he seemed to be feeling a little better but i could still see some remorse in his eyes so i started to fuck was great we did it all over the apt got pretty wild and i think you all know how it ended...everybody was happy and i had a face full of stuff. Does it ever get old? I dont think so. Enjoy this boys i know you will!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 21, 2007
  • 104


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