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the sexiest bang bus driver ever

Hey fellas. I bet you gonna enjoy this one. First of all we got the sexiest Bang Bus driver ever. Her name is Carmella. She has such a big boobs. One of the biggest I ve ever seen in my life. So now try to imagine this girl with her belongings driving a vehicle. Yeah that shit is hot. Plus she was flashing every five minutes making people on the street forget about where they were going. That was hilarious. The reaction of each one of them is hard to describe. You should see their faces. Carmella knows how to take care of business. We saw this girl walking down the road and asked her if she is interested in being part of our TV show. She was up for it. Everybody wants to be on the TV show these days. Especially TV show like ours. Worldwide recognition guaranteed. After the broadcast was over we dropped both participant and left. Then Carmella asked me if we can find someone else for us since she was so horny after watching those two fucking. We went to SoBe and met another girl. Watch

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 05, 2007
  • 399


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