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another day with caroline s ass

Caroline is one of our favorites so when ever she is up for it we shoot her any chance we get. Like today, I had a few things to do around town cause I am moving my office but Caroline called and that changed everything next thing I know I am halling ass to lincoln road to pick this girl up aned get some serious ass worship going. When I met her I couldn t believe my eyes. This girl lost weight in all the right places and was dressed to impress with these aesome jeans that hug her ass showing off all the goods. So I took her for a walk to get some good walking shots and the worship ended up starting on th the streets of miami beach. When I felt we were getting a little to much attention from people passing by I offered her to help me break in my new office with a good fuck ,so we headed back to my new office in my new truck where she decided she couldn t wait to get things started and gives me my first roadhead on Ass Parade. which was amaizing. Then we got to my place and fucked out all the the pent up sexual tension from the day.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 01, 2007
  • 221


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