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venezuelan hottie!

Wasup friends, today i got a delicious Venezuelan hottie for your entertainment. Her name is Angelina, she is cool, great personality and the best of all is that she knows how to fuck. I call my homeboy Clo, we meet at the beach and then me call Angelina. She came in with a beautiful mini skirt and a smoking hot bikini. So I told her that here in Miami beach the beaches are topless, so she didn t think it twice and and took her top off and went to the beach. This honeys has a perfect body. Everything natural, and she has an ass that no one else has. As the day went on, we keep talking shit in the beach when we decided to go back to our place to have a fucking hardcore scene. She was begging for sex, so we went to the place and the rest there are just no words to describe it. She is so fucking wild that you have to see it for yourself. So jump in for this episode of Ballhoneys to taste a little bit of this Venezuelan wonder.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 12, 2007
  • 189


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