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play time at the pool

We are back again, and this time with double the fun. My girl Claire Dames wanted to shoot for us again, so I was there and willing. She happens to be one of my favorite girls in the business. She s beautiful, thick, and has a pair of 38 F s. Wow, what a fucking combo. This babe is what I personally call perfection. Her so mouth watering big, I just get excited evry timeI see her. So this time, she brought a little surprise, fine looking Rachel, with her Double D s. Rachel is young and gorgeous, with a fat ass, and beautiful looking tits. This tits are hot, and these put together spells danger... Now these two had some serious playtime at my pool. They kissed and sucked on each other s tits and pussies, which looked oh so hot. As if all this girl play wasn t enough, Rachel grabbed a long double headed dildo, and stuck it in Claire s pussy, while licking her asshole. On Fire, thats what this shoot was. They played with it for a while until Tony D. came over to give them the real thing.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 12, 2007
  • 202


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