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robyn takes all 11 inches

This week i brought a beautiful girl named Robyn back to my place. She was from the heartland and came down to Miami to do some work. She was craving a big meaty cock so she called me up. She was a beautiful blonde with long straight hair that covered some of her face. Long slender legs that were very muscular but smooth. She says she works out six days a week to keep in shape. She was smoking. The best part were her natural breast that were huge, squeezably soft and round. She was even wearing the cutest pair of panties I ve ever seen. I was awesome to see her just walk around my apartment and even better to see her naked on my couch. I knew I had to have her, but unfortunately Mr. cock blocker Castro had to steal the show. He came in showed her his massive bulge and she was sold. She couldn t close her gaping mouth when she saw the size of it. She could barley fit in her mouth, but she tried anyway. Check her out as she gets slammed on my couch by eleven inches of Monster Cock. You wont regret it.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 17, 2007
  • 390


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